The 17XX Information Maneuver Occupational Field (OCCFLD), previously known as the Cyberspace Operations OCCFLD, was re-designated as the IM OCCFLD March 8, 2022. The Deputy Commandant for Information directed the consolidation of OIE MOSs into one OCCFLD resulting in the redesignation. The 17XX IM OCCFLD formally manages the career path of Marines with highly specialized training required for space, electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO), cyber warfare, civil affairs, and influence.
The Deputy Commandant for Information directed the consolidation of Information Military Occupational Specialties (MOS), to include Space, Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO), Cyber Warfare, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations to the 17XX Information Maneuver (IM) Occupational Field (OccFld). The newly established IM OccFld provides the Marine Corps with a deliberate, professionalized, and sustainable workforce enabling the Marine Corps to integrate information maneuver related capability areas. Subsequently, the IM OccFld continues to operationalize Information, the 7th Warfighting Function, and advance the Marine Corps’ development of the Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group. The Deputy Commandant for Information (DC I), Information Maneuver Division developed the 17XX professionalization plan in close coordination with Total Force Structure Division, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Training and Education Command, and Training Command to facilitate the implementation of the 17XX Professionalization Plan. The 17XX Professionalization Plan was briefed at the Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, and Education, Personnel, and Facilities with Cost Awareness (DOTMLPF-C) Working Group, and the final assessment was favorably endorsed 9 February 2021. These changes will be reflected in the February 2022 Authorized Strength Report and in the FY23 MOS Manual. The consolidation of capabilities areas prompts DC I to reestablish the 1700 OccFld as the Information Maneuver (IM) OccFld.
OCCFLD Manager / Cyber Officer MOS Specialist: Maj Cody Chenowith
OCCFLD Deputy: MGySgt Crister Cabotaje
Cyber Enlisted MOS Specialist: MSgt Chad Harven
Space Officer MOS Specialist: Capt Jose Rojasrodas
Influence Officer MOS Specialist: Maj John Holmes
Influence Enlisted MOS Specialist: GySgt Ryo Bolanos
Influence Enlisted MOS Specialist: GySgt Barry Templin
Influence Talent Manager: Mr. Adonte Houston
Space Talent Manager: Mr. Victor Greenfield
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