17XX: Information Maneuver

The official seal for the Deputy Commandant for Information, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Deputy Commandant for Information
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Why choose a career in the 17XX Information Maneuver Occupational Field?

The 17XX Information Maneuver Occupational Field (OCCFLD), previously known as the Cyberspace Operations OCCFLD, was re-designated as the IM OCCFLD March 8, 2022. The Deputy Commandant for Information directed the consolidation of OIE MOSs into one OCCFLD resulting in the redesignation. The 17XX IM OCCFLD formally manages the career path of Marines with highly specialized training required for space, electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO), cyber warfare, civil affairs, and influence.


The Deputy Commandant for Information directed the consolidation of Information Military Occupational Specialties (MOS), to include Space, Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO), Cyber Warfare, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations to the 17XX Information Maneuver (IM) Occupational Field (OccFld).

The newly established IM OccFld provides the Marine Corps with a deliberate, professionalized, and sustainable workforce enabling the Marine Corps to integrate information maneuver related capability areas.  Subsequently, the IM OccFld continues to operationalize Information, the 7th Warfighting Function, and advance the Marine Corps’ development of the Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group.

The Deputy Commandant for Information (DC I), Information Maneuver Division developed the 17XX professionalization plan in close coordination with Total Force Structure Division, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Training and Education Command, and Training Command to facilitate the implementation of the 17XX Professionalization Plan.  The 17XX Professionalization Plan was briefed at the Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, and Education, Personnel, and Facilities with Cost Awareness (DOTMLPF-C) Working Group, and the final assessment was favorably endorsed 9 February 2021.  These changes will be reflected in the February 2022 Authorized Strength Report and in the FY23 MOS Manual.  The consolidation of capabilities areas prompts DC I to reestablish the 1700 OccFld as the Information Maneuver (IM) OccFld.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Is there TIG/ TIS limitations to SNOCs looking at the 1751 field?
A: Target population is FTAP Cpl’s and Sgts. For Sgt's, we are asking for them to not be in zone for promotion or selected in their current PMOS.
Q: What MOSs feed the 1795 Influence Chief MOS?
A: The 1751 PMOS
Q: Are all existing 0520s going to become 1707s automatically?
A: No. All Marines holding the 0520 FMOS that want to transition to the 1707 PMOS must apply to LATMOVE.
Q: Are there ways to become more competitive to LAT move to 1721 as a SSgt?
A: Experience and education are considered. Primarily looking for LCpl-Sgt but taking SNCOs on a case-by-case basis.
Q: Are there any courses I can take to make myself more competitive for LAT move to 1721?
A: I recommend checking out the USMC COOL program. There may be certs available to 284xs and 06xxs. Any college courses or other technical certifications related to security, programing, or other disciplines will help your request stand out.
Q: Does the 1721 MOS exist in the reserve component?
A: Yes.
Q: Is there a service obligation for LATMOVE to 1721?
A: Standard Reenlistment/Lateral move regulations apply. You can expect minimum 4-year enlistment contract.
Q: How can reserve officers become competitive for 1706/1707 MOSs?
A: There is currently no plan for those MOSs to exist in the RC. The closest RC job to 1707 would be the 0530/1730 FMOS in the CAG.
Q: The MARADMIN states that LATMOVE opportunities will be based on the health of the Marine's MOS. Were there any MOSs that capped last year?
A: There were no MOSs that were specifically capped, i.e. all MOSs were eligible to apply. That said the health of the MOS you are departing will certainly play a part in whether MMOA approves the LAT move.
Q: Will Master's degrees or multiple degrees in 1707 related fields (anthropology, information operations, sociology) be considered as increasing competitiveness?
A: Advanced degrees will be looked at, but they don't offset things like career timing and record of performance.
Q: Does attending NPS for a discipline related to a 17XX MOS make an individual more likely to get selected?
A: It will be considered but will not offset things like career timing and record of performance.
Q: For LtCol (sel) and LtCols, is the 1706 and 1707 program viable for LATMOVE and what would be the intended path going forward?
A: There are opportunities for LtCols to LATMOVE in the early years of the 1706 and 1707 MOS build. This opportunity will be based on billets turning on for those rank requirements, at a future point 706/1707 will only be produced with promotions within the PMOS.
Q: Will there be command opportunities for 17XX?
A: There are 8006 command opportunities for 1706/1707 but no 05 PMOS Commands. There are future O6 command opportunities at the MIG’s or MCIOC.
Q: Are applicants considered competitive if their command accepts a tour curtailment?
A: Applicants who do not meet eligibility criteria are required to have an approved curtailment as a part of their Lat move package.
Q: Will individuals selected for CLEB or CPIB be considered for LAT move?
A: We were able to deconflict selections with CPIB/CCLEB and LATMOVE internal to MMOA.
Q: How will the courses be funded?
A: The courses are PMOS producing so they will be TECOM Funded.
Q: Reading into the prerequisites for LATMOV into MOS 1751 the minimum GT score is 100. Will there be any waivers granted for a GT score of 95?
A: We are not waiving the GT score requirement. It is recommended Marines talk to their career planner about retaking the ASVAB.
Q: Any recommendations on courses or classes to take in order to be competitive for LATMOV for someone without any Civil Affairs/PSYOPS MOS experience?
A: Refer to the competitive paper Officer LAT moves from last year. Marines without the required training are eligible for LAT move. The training involved in the courses is reserved for Marines in the PMOS pipeline.
Q: For the 1702 Unrestricted Officer build up, what promotion opportunities will exist?
A: In regard to promotion opportunities, there will be a trickle effect of Officers getting TIG versus ASR billets turning on. Overall, it will be a positive trend.
Q: Is there a language requirement for the 1751 or 1707 MOS?
A: There is no language requirement.
Q: What happens if I LAT move and am in zone for promotion before I complete training?
A: Marines are screened for promotion based on their IMOS, i.e. the MOS they will receive upon completion of training. However, if a Marine is selected based on IMOS fails ELT, their selection will be revoked.
Q: If I’m already selected for the next rank, will I get promoted based on boat spaces in the old MOS or the new one?
A: You will lose your selection upon approval of LAT move unless you would have been in zone for the new MOS as well.
Q: Will I lose my linguist pay if I LAT move?
A: If you qualify for a Tier III language incentive (i.e. you would receive language incentive regardless of assignment) you will continue to receive the incentive provided you maintain the required test scores. However, if you currently receive incentive pay based on your role as a linguist (i.e., a lower tier language) you will no longer receive pay when you LAT move.
Q: Can ECP or MECEP Marines get cyber contracts?
A: Yes. ECP Marines work directly with the assignments branch in the same way that they would for flight contracts. MECEP Marines work with the ROTC unit MOI for the same purpose.
Q: How are 1751s employed in the fleet? Are the requirements for PSYOP and CA different?
A: 1751 Marines are employed in a number of different ways, depending on where they are assigned. There are no additional CA forces assigned to the AC, meaning the 1751 Marines assigned to the units will serve in that role if/when called upon. While conducting CA missions, they will operate under CA authorities and operational chains. Will conducting PSYOP missions, they will operate under PSYOP authorities and operational chains. 1751 Marines also serve as staff planners and advisors and pair with 1707 officers to plan and coordinate various information capabilities.
Q: (Reservists Only) Who do I contact for information about DAP with the CAGs?
A: Please contact Maj Juan Torres (Juan.J.Torres@marines.usmc.mil) and SSgt Angelica Pulliam (Angelica.Pulliam@marines.usmc.mil)
Q: Can a Sgt SMCR come back on Active Duty and LatMov? What is that process?
A: SNM would need to consult with the career counselor.
Q: What are some common disqualifications factors for a Clearance?
A: Drug use and foreign contacts, recommend contacting the HQMC SSO for further information on this subject.
Q: Do civilian (college) schools help with getting into the 17 MOSs?
A: They never hurt, but it is not a requirement nor is it a guaranteed of acceptance.
Q: What do officer key billets look like?
A: As a rule, there are not “key billets” in these MOSs. Officers are expected to fill rank-appropriate billets with at least one year in the FMF for progression.
Q: Do we see future PMOS Command opportunities?
A: As of now, the only PMOS commands are cyber. 1706 and 1707 officers will have the opportunity to be selected for strung commands, i.e. 8006 billets like Recruit Training Battalions, Headquarters Battalion, etc.
Q: What is CMO (Civil Military Operations)
A: The civil military operations (CMO) planner(s) and/or CA element, through the information fusion process assists the commander by assessing civil capabilities, vulnerabilities, and intentions, and monitoring numerous other aspects of the civil environment that can influence the outcome of operations.
Q: What is the enlisted SCI pre-screen process?
A: Contact your SSO or the HQMC SSO to learn more about this process.
Q: I’m having trouble getting into the MS Teams page, is there an access code?
A: There is no access code required. Please reach out to one of us directly and we will help you.
Q: Do all Cyber Marines go to COSC?
A: Yes.
Q: What is FTAP?
A: Marines on their initial enlistment contract, meaning you have not reenlisted yet.
Q: What is STAP?
A: Corporal through Master Gunnery Sergeant with less than 18 years of active service, who have previously taken an FTAP boat space.
Q: Do you have to be pre-selected to go to the schools?
A: Yes, there are limited school seats therefore Marines will need to be selected for LAT move to fill a seat.
Q: POQC, how many offerings per year?
A: 3.
Q: How long is COSC?
A: 13 weeks.
Q: Are 1751s forward with the Infantry Platoon or at the Bn?
A: Yes, there is 1751 structure that will be located at the H&S Co for the Infantry units.
Q: What does a 1707 team deployment look like?
A: A 1707 will more than likely deploy with a team of 2-3 Enlisted Marines.

OCCFLD Manager / Cyber Officer MOS Specialist: Maj Cody Chenowith

OCCFLD Deputy: MGySgt Crister Cabotaje

Cyber Enlisted MOS Specialist: MSgt Chad Harven

Space Officer MOS Specialist: Capt Jose Rojasrodas

Influence Officer MOS Specialist: Maj John Holmes

Influence Enlisted MOS Specialist: GySgt Ryo Bolanos

Influence Enlisted MOS Specialist: GySgt Barry Templin

Influence Talent Manager: Mr. Adonte Houston

Space Talent Manager: Mr. Victor Greenfield


Contact the Team @17XX TEAMS Channel: https://go.intelink.gov/xTL9YA4

Deputy Commandant for Information