Influence OFFICER PMOS (1707)
Influence Officers formulate plans and policies and coordinate and supervise activities pertaining to Influence Operations including military information support operations (MISO), civil affairs operations (CAO) and the integration of Civil Military Operations and provide the Commander a means to integrate operations in the operational and information environment to achieve desired outcomes. Influence Officers are trained personnel who can integrate operations in the information environment and primarily focus on the planning and execution of MISO, civil authorities’ information support (CAIS) and CAO. MISO are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and, ultimately, the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals in a manner favorable to the originator’s objectives. CAO are defined as those military operations planned, supported, executed, or transitioned by CA forces through, with, or by the OGAs, IPI, IGOs, or NGOs to modify behaviors, to mitigate or defeat threats to civil society, and to assist in establishing the capacity for deterring or defeating future civil threats in support of CMO, facilitation of military operations, or otherwise achieve U.S. objectives. Influence Officers will serve as on staffs at all levels and advise the commander and staff on the information warfighting function. Influence Officers integrate capabilities to support the Combatant Command’s Influence Campaign objectives by supporting the Fleet Marine force (FMF) missions, as they enable commanders to shape the information and security environment in their areas of responsibility (AOR).
Marines interested in the opportunity to lateral move to the Influence Officer PMOS (1707) may contact the Occupational Field via the form below. For additional information on prerequisites and requirements please see MARADMIN 017/23.
(703) 784-5609/5079