The information warfighting function is the 7th and newest warfighting function. The information warfighting function centers on the idea that Marines generate, preserve, deny, and project information to create and exploit information advantages as a means of accomplishing objectives as effectively as possible. Information advantage is an exploitable condition resulting from one actor's ability to generate, preserve, deny, or project information relative to another.
Development of an all-inclusive 17XX Information Maneuver Occupational Field supports a force capable of effective operations in the Information Environment and enabling information as the 7th Warfighting Function. OIE capabilities are in high demand by the Joint Force and necessary for future Stand-in Forces to compete and win. 17XX Professionalization will transition existing structure of multiple FMOSs to create four new Primary MOSs in the Occupational Field.
Benefits of Professionalizing the 17XX Occupational Field
OccFld Manager / Cyber Officer MOS Specialist Phone: (667) 812-8521 E-mail:
Cyber Enlisted MOS Specialist Phone: (703) 614-4698 E-mail:
Space Officer MOS Specialist Phone: (703) 614-4698 E-mail:
Cyber/Space Talent Manager Phone: (703) 784-5040 E-mail:
OccFld Deputy / Training Quota Manager Phone: (703) 784-5116 E-mail:
Influence Enlisted MOS Specialist Phone: (703) 784-5050 E-mail:
Influence Talent Manager Phone: (703) 784-5040 E-mail: