1732: Civil Affairs Specialist

The official seal for the Deputy Commandant for Information, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
17XX: Information Maneuver
Deputy Commandant for Information

1732 Civil Affairs Specialist

Civil Affairs (CA) Specialists perform various duties in both combat and non-combat environments involving the integration, planning, and conduct of civil affairs operations (CAO) and civil-military operations (CMO) in support of Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) operations. CA Specialists inform, influence, shape and gain access to the cognitive civil environment through targeted and integrated civil reconnaissance and civil engagements. This PMOS is only applicable to the reserve component.


-Must be a corporal or above.

-Must possess a GT score of 100 or higher.

-Security requirement: secret security clearance eligibility.

To Apply:

Talk to your Career Planner about submitting a Direct Affiliation Package to continue your Marine Corps Service in the reserves.




Deputy Commandant for Information